Savoring The Lilacs

It’s officially here – the 100 Days of May. For some parents with school age children, it literally strikes fear in their hearts! May is typically chock full of events, performances, concerts, commencements and other types of celebrations that honor our kids accomplishments and mark the passage of time. Usually, my calendar looks like a toddler grabbed a crayon and scribbled in every square 😅


This year, with my oldest wrapping up her freshman year at college, and my youngest happily driving herself places with her brand-new driver’s license, May is less frenetic in our household. Having fewer family commitments has literally created space in my day to day and I am trying to really be present during this transition; to resist my natural inclination to fill the space with new activities, more work, more time with friends, more, more, more!


I am leaning into allowing the spaciousness to unfold and reveal its lessons and gifts to me – like going on a walk in my beautiful neighborhood and deeply inhaling the scent of lilacs (I believe heaven might smell like lilacs). Friends, this is NOT easy for me. But I am trying to slow down, to “trust the turtle” in the kids’ story about the turtle and the hare, because I sense that this particular moment has something profoundly deep to teach me.


In a strange synchronicity, the real estate market is also moving at a more turtle pace, primarily due to the interest rate environment, which is not typical for the spring months. While I desire to have more active clients right now, I believe this too is happening for a reason. Not trying to intentionally create more work during slower times goes against my nature 😌 But, this time I am trying something different. It’s only been a few weeks, and it still feels strange, but starting each day strongly grounded in myself and breathing into new space is starting to feel more natural. There is a rhythm here too…I just have to slow down enough to feel it.

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