I recently returned from spending 2 days in the CA wine country with 30 of my colleagues from around the country. Amid savoring divine meals brilliantly paired with delectable wines we deepened our connections with one another and built lasting memories. I love these events, knows as “Connects”. They are intentionally small and intimate with no panels or speakers, just Sotheby’s realtors who are committed to strengthening their business practice by building relationships on trust.
I have been investing in these trips for a few years and on this particular one I had some thought-provoking insights. When I started going to regional Connect events, I knew just one or two people. Now, after five events in three different cities, they have started to feel like fun friend reunions that I look forward to rather than “networking events” that I dread. At each one I find myself deepening my relationships with colleagues I know by having “real talk” chats that get us several levels deeper in terms of getting to know who we really are. The cherries on top of this fabulous sundae are the new kindreds I meet each and every time!
Thanks to the groups’ willingness to be vulnerable, we get to the core of who we are and make soul connections with one another on an unshakeable foundation of trust. At this stage in life, I am surprised and grateful for the opportunity to meet so many new people who I feel deeply bonded to…I thought that the first half of one’s life was for making these long-lasting friendships, not the latter half, especially in a professional setting!
Connecting people I love with people I trust whether for real estate or anything else brings me so much joy! I realize that when I refer someone, I choose them based on trust, not on their perceived value. Whether it’s a dog-sitter, hair stylist, attorney, or physician it is always about who I believe has the most honesty, integrity, and character over how much they charge that guides my referral.
When we approach referrals from a place of “value” it commoditizes these service providers and makes it about price – who can do the job for the lowest cost. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to hire the cheapest person for the most important tasks! The more I think about what I draw on when I share referrals it is always trust that tips the balance. What do you lead with when you refer? Trust or value? And what is the motivation behind that choice?
Nilmini approaches every transaction in the spirit of abundant possibility and with a commitment to excellence so that her clients achieve their dreams and enjoy the journey as much as the destination!